Monday, June 28, 2010

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

I am, by nature, a worrier. Maybe it’s because I’m a perfectionist. Maybe it’s because I’m slightly obsessive-compulsive. Maybe it’s because I’m the eldest sibling. There are all kinds of reasons why I worry, but the truth is, none of them justify it. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What Do You Do?

"What do you do?" It sounds like an innocent question, but it is extremely important, especially for those of us just beginning our journeys as freelancers or independent business owners. The answer to that question determines our personal vision and establishes what steps we will take to reach our goals, such as becoming a full-time independent business owner. If you haven't considered your answer to the question, now is the time to do it before you start on a path that may or may not lead to where you want to go. Seth Godin provides some questions to help you, and me, find the answer to the question. "What do you do?"

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Winning the Race

I’m sure that most of us are familiar with Aesop’s fable about the tortoise and the hare, but it never hurts to refresh our memories. The hare proudly asserts that he is the fastest animal and can beat anyone. The tortoise’s response is revealing; he quietly responds that he will challenge the hare. The hare sprints from the starting line, and, once he has a seemingly insurmountable lead, he lies down for a nap. During his nap, the tortoise passes him and crosses the finish line first. When the hare arrives a moment later, the tortoise gently explains that slow and steady wins the race.